September 2023 Newsletter | Why It’s Not Just Okay, but Good, to Take Time for Yourself
August 31, 2023
While the summer season technically lasts until the autumnal equinox (on September 23 this year), once Labor Day passes it tends to feel like fall has begun, with it all of the frenzy that picks up at the end of the year. September means fewer vacations, heading back to school and work, cooler weather, and an onslaught of to-dos. The pace of fall can feel frantic and stressful. So, as we head into that hectic time, let’s take a moment to remind ourselves that, when life gets to be exhausting, it’s good to take time for yourself.
What ‘Time for Yourself’ Looks Like
What does “time for yourself” look like? You probably guessed that it looks like whatever you need it to look like. It might be a full-fledged vacation—sometimes you have to put a lot of distance between you and your everyday life to feel the impact. For many, going away is simply not an option, so “you time” might be dinner with friends, reading a book, taking a walk, or going to a movie (if you can find a couple hours, a midweek matinee by yourself is a great escape for a fraction of the vacation price tag). Think about something that you’d be excited to do if you only had a bit of time—that’s what time for yourself should be.
How to Take Time for Yourself
If you could take time yourself, you would be doing it already, right? Maybe. When we feel the most overwhelmed we put ourselves last, making sure that all of our to-dos are done before we allow for relaxation or rejuvenation. This mentality is understandable: we want to check off everything on our list so we can truly enjoy relaxing, knowing that there’s nothing hanging over us. But the reality is that there is always going to be something else to do. That’s actually a positive: it lets us know that we are needed, that we have on-going purpose. It also means that you should take your “you time” when you need it, a pause to refresh so you can continue on with your life in a better state.
Ways to Get Time for Yourself
Scheduled: For when you have the wherewithal to plan ahead, use those vacation days, hire a babysitter or ask a loved one to look after children, set a reminder each day for a walk, or sign up and pre-pay for a class to commit yourself.
Unscheduled: For when you hit a wall, take a quick break to step away by asking a partner or family member to cover for you with kids or other home responsibilities that you normally do, or seeking support from a trusted colleague for a break at work.
Feeling Guilty about Taking Time for Yourself
Guilt may be the biggest reason that many of us don’t take time for ourselves. Admitting that we can’t do everything all of the time can feel like failure but that’s simply not true. When the stress starts to peak but you feel guilty allowing yourself a brief time to decompress, remember that everyone feels stress, everyone gets overwhelmed, and everyone needs time to restore themselves. It is not a personal failing to take time for yourself. It’s a good thing to allow yourself time to feel better, so you can do all of the things that you need to do better.