News & Events

Recent News & Upcoming Events

Dr. Meredith Hemphill named Partner

City Center is pleased to announce that after nearly six years of commitment and dedication, Meredith Hemphill, DSW, LCSW-R has been promoted to “Partner” at City Center Psychotherapy.

Meredith has brought incredible dedication and commitment to her patients and supervisees in her roles as Clinical Director and Director of Community Outreach over the years. Compassionate, patient, and always willing to contribute to the overall well being of CCP and our team, Meredith will only thrive in her new role as “Partner and Clinical Director." Please join us in congratulating her on this exciting new role.

Dr. Schmidt presents on Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) for OCD for Rutgers University School of Social Work

This two-hour webinar presented by Dr. Andrew Schmidt will provide an overview of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Exposure and Ritual Prevention (ERP) therapy as a treatment method. It will provide a firm understanding of what OCD is, what OCD is not, and how to assess OCD. Dr. Schmidt will review treatment principles, how and why ERP works, and how to deliver ERP in a therapeutic setting. The presentation will also cover why client education about OCD and the involvement of a client’s family and/or social circle are so important.

Dr. Schmidt presents on Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) for OCD for Rutgers University School of Social Work

This three-hour presentation will provide an overview of ACT and highlight the ways in which ACT methods enhance and support traditional Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). Dr. Schmidt will cover the foundations of ACT, including the six core components; Acceptance, Defusion, Present Moment, Self As Context, Values and Committed Action.

This interactive webinar will demonstrate the core components while emphasizing the role of psychological flexibility, openness and willingness. Similarities and differences between ACT and traditional CBT will also be covered and participants will learn how to integrate these methods. This interactive presentation includes exercises and case examples to model ACT techniques and their application in work with clients. Participants will gain a solid understanding of the foundations of ACT and learn how to apply ACT methods in their practice.

Past News & Events

Dr. Schmidt presents on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Rutgers University School of Social Work - Extended (3 hour) presentation

On July 25th at 2pm, Dr. Schmidt will present a second time for Rutgers University School of Social Work on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This presentation will be an extended version of the one presented back in March, running 3 hours instead of 2 and will provide an overview of ACT and highlight the ways in which ACT methods enhance and support traditional Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT).

Dr. Schmidt presents on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Rutgers University School of Social Work

Taking ACTion: An Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)" will provide an overview of ACT and highlight the ways in which ACT methods enhance and support traditional Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). Dr. Schmidt will cover the foundations of ACT, including the six core components; Acceptance, Defusion, Present Moment, Self As Context, Values and Committed Action. This interactive webinar will

demonstrate the core components while emphasizing the role of psychological flexibility, openness and willingness. Similarities and differences between ACT and traditional CBT will also be covered and participants will learn how to integrate these methods. This interactive presentation includes exercises and case examples to model ACT techniques and their application in work with clients. Participants will gain a solid understanding of the foundations of ACT and learn how to apply ACT methods in their practice.

City Center's own Dr. Meredith Hemphill co-edited and wrote in a new book on social work in healthcare with Dr. Abigail Nathanson. Congratulations to them on this huge accomplishment.

The Practice of Clinical Social Work in Healthcare (2023) was written by 28 social workers, each with extensive experience in frontline healthcare practice, from over 20 institutions across the country. Taking a psychosocial lens of illness with social work at the center of psychosocial care, the text focusing primarily on clinical aspects rather than systems-level work. This book looks at trauma, social justice, bereavement and countertransference in each illness cluster and also includes chapters on communicating with children about an adult's illness, trauma-informed approaches to serious illness, and impacts of social policy on the provision of clinical work in healthcare.

Dr. Meredith Hemphill’s video series for Relationships by Sprout

Check out the series on Youtube or Instagram

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Robert Herel presents on Healthy Boundaries for NASW NYS

This one-hour webinar will explore boundary setting in these unusual times including understanding what healthy boundaries look like, triggering situations that can cause disruptions in healthy boundaries, and ways to cope with issues and reinstate boundaries when they are overstepped.

Join Robert Herel, LCSW-R Thursday, July 22 at 9:00am for Family Boundaries in a Boundary-less Time. Registration available via NASW NYS. 


Winifred Wu presents on Mindfulness for NASW NYS

City Center is excited to announce that Winifred Wu, LCSW, will present on Mindfulness in social work practice for NASW New York State.

Join Winnie Wednesday, June 16th from 12:00pm-1:00pm for Incorporating Mindfulness into Clinical Settings. Registration available via NASW NYS.